dijous, 28 d’octubre del 2010


(Edward Hopper - New York Movie)

Alice is 24 years old, and she's a pretty woman with a nice character and she always wants to choose the right way and she never left the things that she doesn't know how to do them. She works as a journalist in a newspaper so she has to work very hard. His boyfriend, Alex, always helps her. Last week he bought tickets for the theatre, because Alice was so busy in the job, and he thought that this was a good idea to relax a little.
The play starts at 9 o'clock, and Alice is so nervous because Alex hasn't arrived yet. She is worried about him, because he doesn't give signs of life. That's why the woman decides to phone him, but Alex's phone was closed.
The play starts, and suddenly Alex appears behind her with a big bouquet. He tells to Alice that his car broke down, and that's why he has had to take the bus and be late in the theatre. But the play has just started and they sit down and they enjoy the party.

dimarts, 21 de setembre del 2010

How do you learn English better?


. Writing a lot
. Do a lot of exercises
. Read English books
. Speaking with a native speaker
. Going abroad


. Don't ask the questions to the teacher
. Using Catalan at the English class
. Don't do the homework
. Don't pay attention to the teacher
. Chatting on internet while you're studying

dimecres, 21 d’abril del 2010


In this picture I can see an incredible invention. There is a stair with steps. These are drawers which you can keep you things like shoes, clothes... so this invention has got two functions: as a stair and as a wardrobe.
I think that is a funny invention and useful, too.

dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2010


I choose this advertisement because I like very much. There is a bus with a drawing of a shark that opens the mouth when the door opens. When it closes, the mouth of the shark closes, too. So, it seems that the person who enters into the vehicle has been eaten for the animal. I think that is very funny, but in the same time a little bit scary. I think that is art, because it's very original and the person who has done it, has had a lot of work.

diumenge, 7 de febrer del 2010

dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2009

Efecto Vocales

Otoño con color oro,
por los olmos corro.
Monto por los troncos
como los loros.
Hoy gozo mogollón
sólo con olmos o sol.

dimecres, 28 d’octubre del 2009



I've been in an Italian's school ship. It was in Palamós. During two weeks, all the people could visit it. Here there is a photo of my sister and me with a sailor.
I liked it very much, so I hope that the next summer the ship stays in Palamós another time.


I have never been to London. But I like it because I've seen many photos and it's very beautiful. I'm sure that one day I will travel to this city.